MAIZE, KS - After numerous voters were incorrectly turned away at the Maize Recreation Center Polling Location prior to the closing of polls and told to go to a different location to vote, the ACLU of Kansas is requesting that those affected immediately contact the 866-OUR-VOTE hotline.

The Sedgwick County Election Office released a statement Tuesday night admitting the mistake, that the election workers “did not have the authority to make this decision.” Anyone who attempted to vote at the Maize location and arrived at another polling location will be allowed to vote provisionally. 

The ACLU of Kansas is calling on our media partners to inform voters that if they were affected and turned away from the Maize Recreation Center to call the 866-OUR-VOTE hotline.

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About the ACLU of Kansas: The ACLU of Kansas is the statewide affiliate of the national American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU of Kansas is dedicated to preserving and advancing the civil rights and legal freedoms guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. For more information, visit our website at