Letters to Officials

The ACLU of Kansas exhausts all possible options before pursuing litigation, which is a last resort. Writing open letters to public officials holds them accountable and can often resolve issues without getting the courts involved. 

Ellis County: Concerns Regarding Mislabeled Ballots

On October 24, 2020, the ACLU of Kansas sent Ellis County Clerk Donna Maskus a letter urging her to share a public plan to prevent voter confusion after nearly 4,000 received incorrectly labeled ballots and to expand early voting hours to make up for those missed when the office closed to address

October 24, 2020

Kansas Supreme Court: Juvenile Fines and Fees

We write to request that the Kansas Supreme Court immediately stop the assessment and collection of all fees and fines imposed on youth in the juvenile legal system and their families, in response to the urgent need for economic relief due to the COVID-19 emergency.

August 20, 2020 Criminal Legal Reform

Open Records Request to Allen County Sheriff

We are writing to express our concerns about reports we have received that Allen County Jail has disparately excluded female residents from accessing opportunities with the inmate worker program based on their gender.

August 18, 2020